Bloomsbury Films London | Premium Event Filming

Projects with Osman Ghani

Osman Ghani is a delight to have as one of our partners. A truly imaginative photographer with an eye for the beautiful, Osman creates striking images that drip with passion and warmth, making him a natural fit with the creative aesthetic we hold dear.

To get a taste of the stunning work we have produced in collaboration with Osman, flick through the slides above. Osman’s approach to each project he undertakes is refreshingly relaxed as well as professional, resulting in crisp, vibrant images that leave many happy clients and partners eager to recommend his photography services to others.

Contact details:
Osman Ghani Photography

are at the
top of my list!

By Bruce Russell, Event Planner

Speak to us

To find out about our prices and availability for your event, please contact us online or telephone us on 0800 234 6368. Our offices are open Monday to Friday 10am-6pm.

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