Bloomsbury Films London | Premium Event Photography

Photographic Albums & Prints

As part of our premium photography service, we also design and produce a range of beautiful products to enhance the photographic record of your special day. From coffee table books and photographic albums to high quality prints and a selection of wall décor, we make the most of your images with a collection that is specially designed to your style and taste.

All our photographic albums are designed and produced on an individual basis, with a range of options and materials to choose from. Our range of wall products is even more diverse, with many handcrafted options available. Everything we produce is crafted with real passion and presented to the high standards. We know the value of personal images and want to make sure you can treasure them for a lifetime!

Bloomsbury Films
for sure are the best
I have worked with

David Pullum, UK Photographer

Make an Enquiry

To find out about our prices and availability for your event, please contact us online or telephone us on 0800 234 6368. Our London offices are open Monday to Friday 10am-6pm.

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