Bloomsbury Films London | Premium Event Filming

Bearwood College

Bearwood College in Berkshire is one location where our videographers feel very at home. As our name suggests, we specialise in providing the highest standard of our productions. So, with Bearwood College being used as a location for productions such as Midsomer Murders and Soldier Soldier we are in excellent company and so will you be! This venue caters for a wide range of functions including weddings and corporate events. Contact us today for details about filming your event.

Venue details:
Bearwood College, Winnersh, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 5BG
Tel: 0118 974 8300 Website:

Simply amazing
and…beyond all of
our expectations

Four Seasons Hampshire

Make an Enquiry

To find out about our prices and availability for your event, please contact us online or telephone us on 0800 234 6368. Our London offices are open Monday to Friday 10am-6pm.

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