Bloomsbury Films London | Premium Event Filming

Institute of Directors

Established by Royal Charter in 1906, the Institute of Directors in London is a fabulous location to host your wedding or corporate event. Set in Pall Mall, elegance is what this venue is all about. If you really do want style, let Bloomsbury Films provide a top notch event filming service that's sleek and professional. Our team understand the importance of your individual needs and will do their best to help. Call us to discuss packages and prices.

Venue details:
Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5ED
Tel: 020 7839 1233 Website:

Extremely high
class and
professional service

Just Bespoke, Event Planner

Make an Enquiry

To find out about our prices and availability for your event, please contact us online or telephone us on 0800 234 6368. Our London offices are open Monday to Friday 10am-6pm.

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