Bloomsbury Films London | Premium Event Filming

St Mary's Church Chilton Foliat

Bloomsbury Films are pleased to offer our videography services at this church in Wiltshire, one of many locations where we have been honoured to be entrusted with that most precious task: the production of a first class wedding video. And as our many clients are happy to confirm, our videographers are the best in the business. Results always speak for themselves, so please explore our website to see more examples of our work, then get in touch and let us take care of all of your filming needs.

Venue details:
St Mary's Church, B4192, Chilton Foliat, Wiltshire RG17 0TQ
Tel: 01672 520963 Website:

The best work
I have seen.

Blitz Photography

Make an Enquiry

To find out about our prices and availability for your event, please contact us online or telephone us on 0800 234 6368. Our London offices are open Monday to Friday 10am-6pm.

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